How Much Is Grammarly Pro (Latest Pricing & Plans)

In a recent pricing structure update, the Grammarly Premium and Business plans were replaced by the Grammarly Pro and Enterprise plans.

Since the Grammarly Premium and Business plans were merged, the new Pro plan is now priced at $12/mo per member if you purchase the annual subscription. 

To learn more about the recent changes to Grammarly’s subscription plans and offerings, thoroughly check out the guide below. Let’s understand how much Grammarly Pro is at a glance in the heading below.

Grammarly Pro Cost & Price 2025: Quick Verdict

  • The new Grammarly Pro pricing starts from $12 per month when paid annually. 
  • Grammarly offers free trials, but periodically. When one is available, users can see the option to sign up for one on their website. 
  • Grammarly Pro is definitely worth it for those looking to produce higher-quality content that has undergone advanced spelling and grammar checks, AI and plagiarism checks, style suggestions, and tone adjustments.
  • Grammarly does not offer a separate student plan. If you are a part of an educational institution, you can get access to the “Grammarly for Education” plan. An institutional license provides access to all students, faculty, and administration.

How Much Is Grammarly Pro: Detailed Breakdown

Let’s take a look at the freshly updated Grammarly Pro pricing.

Grammarly Pro SubscriptionPricing
Annually$12/member/month ($144/year)

Grammarly Pro’s annual subscription costs only $144 per member per year, 60% less than the monthly plan, saving you $216. On the other hand, the Grammarly plan, when paid per month, goes up to $360 per member per year.

This year, Grammarly also offered a 50% discount on all its plans. During the Black Friday sale, you could get the premium plan for $72, saving the other half ($72) from the total amount ($144).

How to Get Grammarly Pro For Free?

The only way to get Grammarly Pro for free is by opting for a free trial.

Grammarly does not offer a free trial around the year, but you can find out if one is active by visiting the official Grammarly pricing page.

However, if you are a part of an organization, you can ask them for access to Grammarly’s Enterprise plan. Most organizations have one.

Is Grammarly Pro Free For Students?

If you are a student, you can ask your professors at your high school or the university for access to Grammarly’s Pro version. 

Chances are, they already have an Educational license for Grammarly, which accommodates everyone, including the students, professors, and administration staff.

You can sign up using your school email address to see if you have access to Grammarly’s Pro version.

The “Grammarly for Education” plan offers suggestions for grammar, spelling, incorrect citation style formatting, 24/7 support, and everything the “Pro” version provides.

What Happened to Grammarly Premium & Business?

As a part of plan nomenclature and price structuring, Grammarly changed the name of its former “Premium” and “Business” plans to “Pro” and “Enterprise,” respectively.

The Grammarly Premium plan costs $12/month, and the “Business” plan costs $15 per member/month.

The best thing about this recent change is that users can now enjoy the best of both plans at the same price. 

Grammarly Free Plan & Features

The Grammarly free plan is best for those needing basic grammar or spelling checks for writing emails, quick document checks, and casual writing.

Grammarly free suggestions are sufficient to catch some of the most common mistakes in the writing. 

Features not included are tone detection, AI & plagiarism checker, in-depth vocabulary suggestions, and rephrasing.

Features With Grammarly Free Plan

Grammarly Free offers some great features that some find sufficient for their work. Features like:

1. Incorrect punctuation suggestions

This is probably Grammarly’s most used suggestion. It comes in handy when you write content quickly and miss punctuation. 

The feature identifies and highlights misplaced commas, missing periods, or incorrect use of quotation marks, making adding them to your text more manageable.

Grammarly  punctuation suggestions

The best part is that the feature works in real time, so you don’t need to wait to complete your entire text. You can make changes in real-time.

2. “Correct your spelling” suggestions

Grammarly’s “Correct your spelling” is another essential feature highlighting spelling mistakes in real time. 

You can accept the correct spelling suggestions with a simple click on your mouse.

Grammarly’s “Correct your spelling

The feature comes in handy when you have to turn in essential reports, university assignments, or presentations.

3. Spacing suggestions

Grammarly can identify the spacing between two words. It suggested you make corrections based on the spacing. 

Grammarly Spacing suggestions

If there is extra spacing, the correction shows you a small cross, and if two words do not have any, you get a suggestion to add it with a straightforward click.

4. Clarity suggestions

The clarity suggestion from Grammarly helps weed out the vagueness of your language. 

It also identifies complex sentence structures and unnecessary words that can make the sentence lose appeal.

Grammarly Clarity suggestions

This feature focuses on active voice promotion, reducing redundancy in the sentence structures.

5. Generative AI prompts (limited)

Like popular LLMs like ChatGPT and Claude, Grammarly can also help you craft sentences, outline blog topics, or generate ideas using a simple prompt.

Generative AI Grammarly

The generative AI can also consider the existing text, provide suggestions to improve it, and identify any gaps (if any).

Each user receives a set number of Generative AI prompts, which are refilled monthly. Premium users have access to more of these.

Grammarly’s Free version can be optimal for occasionally indulging in casual writing.

Grammarly Pro Plans & Features

The Grammarly Pro plan offers a better experience than the free plan. It includes features like tone analysis, in-depth vocabulary suggestions, rephrasing sentences, an AI and plagiarism checker, and Generative AI features.

The Pro version is best for those who want to iron out every single pesky mistake in their writing while also wanting suggestions to improve the content. 

The Grammarly Pro plan can benefit academics, professional writers and bloggers, educators, and anyone who wants to improve the accuracy of their writing.

Features of Grammarly Pro

Next, have a look at the top features available with a Grammarly Pro subscription, and how it can enhance your experience of using Grammarly

1. AI & plagiarism checker

Grammarly’s AI and plagiarism checker are popular features that help you scan a piece of text against billions of articles on the web to find similarities and instances of accidental plagiarism.

Grammarly’s AI and plagiarism checker

The scans provide an originality score indicating the percentage of your original text. The higher the score, the more original the text. This feature is primarily available for paid Grammarly plans.

2. Clarity

This feature is quite helpful in making your sentences more precise and concise. 

Grammarly also suggests ways to streamline sentences by trimming unnecessary words and phrases.

Grammarly Clarity

The feature can also detect passive voice and suggest if it needs rewording for better reading.

3. Delivery and Tone improvement

Grammarly’s delivery and tone suggestions suggest changes in the sentence to convey the right message with better impact and tone.

The best part about this feature is that it has sufficient contextual awareness. This helps suggest changes that preserve the original context, which is essential.

Grammarly Delivery and Tone improvement

The tone improvement feature also ensures that your text maintains a consistent tone throughout, ensuring professionalism.

4. Customized domain and intent (experimental) suggestions

The ‘Domain’ and ‘Intent’ suggestions are a great way to ensure that your text receives suggestions based on its intended purpose.

You can also pick an “intent” for your text based on whether you want to inform, tell a story, convince, or describe something to the reader.

Grammarly Domain’ and ‘Intent’ suggestions

The intent feature is still experimental, but we can expect the newer updates to introduce a stable version.

5. Grammarly’s “Our best version” suggestions

Grammarly’s “Our best version” feature is one of its most valuable aspects. 

The feature offers suggestions based on the AI, which instantly improves the clarity and conciseness of their writing.

Grammarly’s “Our best version” suggestions

The feature suggested a better version of the existing sentence to fit the remaining text perfectly.

6. Generative AI 

The Generative AI feature shines when brainstorming new ideas, rewriting the existing text, or generating new text.

The feature can essentially act as a writing assistant, helping you create content more effectively and efficiently.

The Generative AI of Grammarly

Although there are limited prompts for the same, they get refilled every month. Plus, the premium users essentially get more prompts than the free users.

The Grammarly Pro versions are handy if you want to go the extra mile in your writing sprints and ensure everything is perfect.

Let us now examine the differences between Grammarly Free and Pro versions.

Grammarly Pro Vs. Free: Differences

The two variants, Grammarly Pro and Grammarly Free, differ by some degree in what they offer. Let’s take a look at the reasons why the Grammarly paid subscriptions offer a better experience: 

Feature’s listFreeProEnterprise
AI & plagiarism checker❌✅✅
Clarity suggestions❌✅✅
Goal setting✅(except ‘Domain’)✅✅
Grammarly ‘Best Version’❌✅✅
Sentence rephrasing❌✅✅
Delivery and tone suggestions❌✅✅
Generative AI Prompts100 AI prompts2,000 AI promptsUnlimited
Dedicated support❌❌✅
Data loss prevention❌❌✅
BYOK encryptions❌❌✅
Customs roles and permissions❌❌✅

Grammarly Pro offers everything professionals need. However, organizations can always go the extra mile with Grammarly Enterprise plans.

Which Grammarly Plan is Right For You?

It depends on what kind of work you do. What degree of accuracy and the extent of in-depth suggestion are you looking for?

Grammarly Free is perfect for:

  • Basic grammar and spelling checks
  • Writing emails to friends and family
  • Quick document checks
  • Casual writing

Grammarly Pro is perfect for:

  • Advanced grammatical suggestions and spelling checks
  • Writing formal emails to business owners and organizations
  • In-depth document analysis
  • Extensive AI content generation
  • Checking for plagiarism and AI in documents
  • Important writing that goes on the web.

Grammarly Enterprise is perfect for:

  • Large organizations looking for a consistent writing style across teams.
  • Managing team–writing standards
  • Consistent brand voice
  • Better security and encryption control

Grammarly Pro Price In India & Other Countries

Grammarly’s pricing structure changes depending on the country you stay in. Let us compare a few.

CountryPrice (Annual Plan)
RussiaServices currently suspended in Russia and Belarus

Grammarly Accepted Payment Methods

You can make payments for the Grammarly subscriptions via:

  • Credit cards
  • PayPal
  • Debit cards (except Mastercard, Visa Electron, and Interac.)

Note: Grammarly does not accept personal checks, phone payments, and money orders.

Grammarly Refunds: Is There Any?

Grammarly subscriptions are non-refundable. Instead, you can choose to cancel the Pro or Enterprise plan subscription anytime you like. 

Note: Cancelling your subscription will not refund your plan fees, and you can still use the Pro benefits until the next billing cycle is due. 

Grammarly Black Friday Sale Pricing

Grammarly launched a Black Friday Sale in 2024, slashing the pricing on all its plans by up to 50%. 

Grammarly Black Friday Sale Pricing

During the sale, the Grammarly Pro annual subscription costed $72/member/year. This was half what it usually costs yearly ($144).

The sale started on November 18 and ended on December 18, 2024. A similar discount will be available next year in 2025. We will keep you updated.

Grammarly Discount 2025: Is There Any?

Grammarly offers a 60% discount on the monthly prices if you opt for the annual plan. 

The annual plan will cost you $12/member/month and will be billed annually as a one-time payment of $144. Here, you save $18 per month. (60% in savings).

The monthly plan costs $30 per member per month, and the annual plan costs $12 per month.

Opting for the quarterly plan will cost you $60/member/three months.

Grammarly Pro Advantages

With the Pro version, users can get several perks, like:

  • Ability to rewrite full sentences
  • Speeds up workflow
  • Essay checker
  • Citation generator
  • Spelling checker
  • Plagiarism checker

Grammarly Pro Disadvantages

Grammarly has some disadvantages, too, like: 

  • Strips the sentence of emotions
  • Takes away the character
  • Place the punctuation in the middle of the word
  • Yearly plan might be pricey for some since it charges upfront

Is Grammarly Pro Worth It?

Grammarly Pro is worth it for achieving higher grammatical accuracy, and the latest Generative AI features.

I have been in the content writing industry for half a decade. Every piece I write for my job goes through Grammarly Pro.

Indeed, the tool is not perfect, but users also get to choose the suggestions, which makes it easy to ignore the ones that don’t feel right.

Take a look at what this Reddit user has to say:

 Reddit user's grammerly Feedback

For people whose jobs rely heavily on things requiring a finer degree of grammar tuning, I suggest you opt for Grammarly Pro. It will be worth it.

For those whose work doesn’t require extra control over their text, I suggest sticking to the free version until you feel the need to switch.

Also Read:

Summarizing: Grammarly Pro Starts at $12/Month

Grammarly is worth it if you want to turn in text perfect for the web, important emails, research, printing, etc. The Pro version costs $12 per member per month. 

You can also wait for the Black Friday sale to get amazing discounts or simply purchase the premium now, which will help you make it back even more.

You can also check the official pricing page for a free trial before paying for it upfront.


How much does Grammarly cost?

Grammarly Pro costs $12 per monthly member if you opt for an annual subscription or $30 monthly for a monthly membership.

What is the difference between Grammarly Premium and Pro?

Grammarly Premium was the older name of Grammarly Pro. Recently, the older plans, Grammarly Premium and Business merged, and they are now called Grammarly Pro.

Is Grammarly Premium Worth it?

Yes, Grammarly Premium, now known as Grammarly Pro, is worth it if you want to fine-tune your text more.

Is Grammarly Pro free for students?

Grammarly Pro is not free for students, but they can request access from their high school or university officials. These institutions usually have an Enterprise plan that can accommodate students, professors, and administration.

How to get a Grammarly Premium Free Trial?

Grammarly does not offer a free trial around the year. However, you can check the official pricing page to see when one is active.

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